Gift of Life

Father, allow me to see what you want me to see. To let go of what you want me to let go of. To give what you want me to give. To rest when you want Read more…

Deliver Me From My Pain

Keeping your word close to my heart and repeating your word to myself and others delivers us from pain and suffering. Fills us with love, comfort, and peace. Continue to keep Read more…

Beauty For Ashes

Rejoice, for this is the day the Lord has made and we will be glad. You have turned our mourning into dancing and given us beauty for ashes. You are the rock of our salvation and Read more…

Magnify Your Name

Lord, please heal our land and establish your kingdom here on Earth. Forgive us of the wrong we have done. Hear our prayers and help us move closer to you. May we share the good news with others and they too, magnify your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen
*All prayers are given by our Prayer Team

Debt Is Rising

Your word plainly says coveting is sin. We live in a world where every minute of everyday things, places, and stuff is presented as something we much have. This will make us more acceptable to others. It’s a way to cause us to believe we are more than we really are. This is bringing many Read more…

Providing For All Our Needs

Pray With Us~
Dear Lord, you have provided for all our needs. You shed your blood to redeem our lives. You called us out from the hands of the enemy. May we never forget it’s your grace that Read more…

Unity In The Country

Father, My heart is heavy with emotions of hurt, worry, and frustration. We need unity in our country as well as around the world. At this moment all I have to give is prayer and at the same Read more…

Coming To Me Countless Times

Pray With Us~
Father, thank you for coming to me countless times in a day. My mind wanders, I see things I need, want, or just got to have. You are always redirecting my thoughts and actions to have Read more…

What Is Important In My Life?

Father, Do we ever ask ourselves who or what is most important in our lives? Where does Jesus come in – on the top, in the middle, or on the bottom? What do our minds dwell on most of the Read more…

The Struggle Is Real

Pray With Us~
A comforting promise in Scripture is that God will never leave those who are His. Father, I fail to keep your words so close to my heart. Forgive me for letting the world consume me away from Read more…

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