Feb '19

Happy Birthday Andrew Wahlstrom
Feb '19

Wishing Andrew Wahlstrom a Happy Birthday!
Want to wish him Happy Birthday online? Join in on the Facebook conversation… Read more…
Jan '19

Making and Keeping Resolutions
Jan '19

Well, we are three weeks into the new year and I guess it’s time to talk about them…. New Year’s resolutions. Did you make one? I’m guessing if you did, it probably looks something like one of these. Here are the most common New Year’s Read more…
Dec '18

How To Express True Gratitude
Dec '18

I absolutely love this time of year. One of the reasons is I am a “foodie”, that is I love to cook and I especially love to eat, and there is plenty of food to go around right now. I do my best to maintain throughout the holiday season but it’s tough. Despite my best efforts, I end up gaining a couple of pounds that I have to work to shed in the new year.
The other reason I enjoy this time of year is that it is a giving time of year. The Christmas gifts are flying back and forth and I especially like watching the children. I can remember back to when my children were growing up and the cycle repeats itself again as I watch my niece’s children and now my grandchildren. You’ve seen this, right? Kids get all wild with anticipation. They make out their lists Read more…
Nov '18

Living Our Lives No Matter Whats Around Us
Nov '18

As the days get shorter and cooler I can’t help but think back to a couple of weeks ago and the kind of absolutely beautiful weather we had, sunny and 80 degrees! I couldn’t help but wish that it would stay that way the rest of the year and I know there are many of you that feel the same way.
See I’ve lost much of my tolerance for cold weather and all of the nonsense that goes along with it. Maybe it’s because I’ve lived with it all my life but I’m tired of the snow, icy conditions Read more…
Oct '18

What About Me?
Oct '18

My wife and I just passed our three year anniversary of moving to Lowell, Indiana. We’ve loved every minute of it. I often think about the path that brought us here. We had been living in Illinois and decided it was time to downsize and move out of the state. So, we put our house on the market and as luck would have it, sold our home more quickly than we had anticipated. We hadn’t done much house shopping but we had a plan. We found a house in Beecher that we could rent month to month while we looked for our next house. A little more than two weeks before we had to be out of our house, I got a call that the house we were planning Read more…