We are looking forward to the tremendous things God is going to do through the ministries of Hope Community Church of Lowell. Many ministries are gearing up to be stronger than ever before as they seek to be a blessing to both our church and community.
Our church values offering meaningful times of worship, outreach and fellowship. As our church grows and we welcome visitors as well as long time members, we desire to build a team of faithful volunteers to serve here at Hope Community Church. Of course, we realize there are some here who are brand new attendees and perhaps still trying to decide if this will be your “home church”, and that is understandable.
There are many areas in the church where volunteers are needed and appreciated. Please take a look at the volunteer needs below. We thank you for prayerfully considering using your gifts and talents God has given you to further serve him and our community.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10