Seeking To Live The Life Of A Servant

So as we seek to live the life of a servant, like Jesus, what are a few things we can focus on? I want to offer up three areas we can all pour into in order to live as servants.
First, be humble. A few weeks ago we learned from the book of James that
  • One of the biggest barriers to a relationship with God is pride
  • We don’t want to humble ourselves, we don’t want to submit to God
  • The world tells us we shouldn’t have to, the world is filled with pride
But Proverbs tells us “God opposes the proud but gives favor to the humble”. We are called to humble ourselves before the God of the universe and submit to His will. Jesus humbled Himself in John 4:34 Jesus says “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”
  • Jesus was humble and submitted to the will of the Father
  • Because He wasn’t caught up in Himself
  • Only through humility and obedience could Jesus pray
  • “Yet not what I will, but what you will”, we too need to be humble and submit to the will of God
Second, be aware.  Be aware of your surroundings and try to perceive the needs of those around you.
  • Jesus was always aware of the needs of those around Him
  • He saw the paucity in the crowds that followed Him
  • And the people He came in contact with
  • And He had compassion on them and ministered to them
    But that requires us to take our time and be intentional. We’re always in such a hurry. We rarely take the time to consider those around us. And certainly we don’t have the kind of insight that Jesus had. He was God. But I guarantee, if you ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the needs of those around you he will answer that prayer and make you more aware.
  • Last, be available. You have to be available when God calls on you.
    A few weeks ago we looked at how the first disciples were called
  • Dropped everything to follow Jesus, they were available
  • We also saw in Luke 9 examples of three potential followers
  • But they all had excuses, reasons to not follow, not answer the call
    We don’t want to be that way. We want to be available to God and the people we are called to minister to. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, “Here am I Lord, send me”
    • Be humble, be aware and be available  
-Pastor Andy Wahlstrom (Sunday, July 19, 2020)
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