Jul '20

Midway Through The ILP-Campus Outreach
Jul '20

We’ve officially reached the halfway point of the Indy Leadership Project! As a reminder, the ILP is our summer project to equip students in leadership, character, and spiritual development. There is so much to be encouraged by, as students are learning about biblical manhood and womanhood, how to study their bibles and how to be a lifelong laborer for Christ!
Mar '20

Campus Ministry COVID-19 Update
Mar '20

College Campus Ministry Update and how they are handling the COVID-19
A lot has changed for us in the past week, and campus ministry isn’t exempt. I wanted to pass along a brief update and how you can be praying for us in the coming weeks. Each of the schools we serve on have moved to online classes for the remainder of the semester which presents a categorical shift to our ministry strategy.
Our staff at USI are making the necessary adjustments to stay engaged with our responsibilities. Since this has taken place late in the school year, we have the necessary relationships built with students, however, we are shifting how we do ministry. We are making plans to continue investigative
Jan '20

New Years Conference Recap
Jan '20

From December 28th to New Year’s Day, 1000 students and Campus Outreach staff came to Indianapolis for the annual New Year’s Conference. Over 80 of these students and staff are from the University of Southern Indiana. During this conference we saw God work mightily in the hearts of students from USI. Over the course of New Year’s Conference 5 students(from USI) came to saving faith in
Jan '20

Mobility Ministries Newsletter 2019 Winter
Jan '20

Wilson discovered that he had long entertained a dream to create a small business, and believed life on the street had become too dangerous to beg. Wilson learned Mr. Banda is the father of 5 children, and the entire family was living on handouts and life was very difficult. Three days later Mr. Banda and his wife were able to get a brand new mobility unit! With a broad smile that spread across his face, he turned to Wilson and thanked him: “Because of this mobility opportunity I can now run a small business.
Sep '19

Hundreds of Students Hear the Gospel
Sep '19

On Wednesday night over 250 students filled a USI classroom for our first “Encore” of the semester. Encore is our weekly evangelistic meeting, which provides an opportunity for students to come spend time with their friends and hear the Gospel.
During this meeting we did a raffle to gauge student’s spiritual interest, one of the questions on the raffle card that was filled out was, “Would you be interested in joining a Bible study?” 146 students said “yes!”
Next week our staff will be starting 3