Mommy’s Haven Christmas Update 2020

Despite an uncertain 2020, in less than 2 years, our home has been able to remain open, fully staffed, and offer a variety of assistance to the number of moms and babies shown above, thanks to your support! We’ve missed seeing you in person, so we included a


Mobility Ministries Newsletter 2020 Winter

Mitundi — How would you describe your feelings when everything that you can do to overcome an obstacle is still not enough? Depression, despondency, despair? That has


Sharing the Gospel Despite Restrictions


“This semester over 200 students have heard the Gospel and over 50 students are attending evangelistic Bible studies.”


Over the past month, despite many university restrictions, our staff has been able to meet hundreds of students. Through those friendship many are beginning to hear


A Year To Update

After 6 long months, USI welcomed students back to campus today! This morning our USI staff team arrived early to campus to ask God to move in the hearts of students this semester. Despite COVID restrictions hindering us from having a basketball league or playing in intramural leagues our staff is moving forward on mission.


Mobility Ministries Newsletter 2020 Summer

Determination + Mobility = Success. So much has happened from Winter to Summer at Mobility Ministries, Inc. Read more about what’s happening at the shop during this ‘Stay at Home’ phase, how Watson Mchiena, Chisomo Jackson, Chikondi (whose name means