Sunday March 4th Potluck Free Lunch

Join us the first Sunday of each month immediately following the morning service.  Mark your calendar for upcoming Potluck Lunches.
>> WHAT IS FOR LUNCH?  Sunday, March 4th: 


All Fore One

~ We welcome Andy Walstrom back to bring us the message today.
Quite a few years ago, I left the church and turned my back on God.  I had been raised in a good Christian home and attended church regularly.  Unfortunately, I observed a few things about the church I didn’t understand.  Occasionally there were visitors to the church and when those visitors looked different, or dressed different or spoke differently, some members would

Learning To Trust God

Learning To Trust

Learning To Trust God
~ We welcome Dan Kuiper to bring us the message today.
LEARNING TO TRUST God’s resolution for us: That we grow in relationship with Him. 5 steps to growing in relationship with God: Message based on Psalm 13