COVID – Updates
The Council of Hope Church
The safety of our congregation and guests is our primary concern and we take this responsibility very seriously. We ask for your patience and understanding as we navigate through this opening process. If you are experiencing COVID-19 or any illness symptoms of any kind, we ask that you refrain from attending. Also, if you are uncomfortable attending or are considered high risk, please continue to watch the services live streaming on Facebook or YouTube.
1. Hope Church has had church service back in our building since June 14, 2020.
* At present, we are planning on one service at 10:00 AM.
* If the need arises for a second service, provisions will be made, and times well-advertised.
2. Council recommends that those attending worship put on a protective face covering before entering the building.
3. Greeters and Welcome staff
* There will be a greeter outside in the parking lot to direct people lining up to enter the building.
* Welcome staff will maintain physical distancing.
4. We will be utilizing ushers to seat attendees
* All will be expected to maintain 6’ physical distancing while waiting to be escorted into church and into the church sanctuary.
* Ushers will seat families together. Children are expected to stay with their parents while in the building.
* Doors will be open 20 minutes prior to the service.
* Bulletins will not be available at the church but can be accessed online.
* Ushers will dismiss congregants by row at the end of the service.
5. Coffee Service- Postponed until further notice.
6. Children’s & Youth Programs- KIDS Church (Kids ages 4 yrs. through 5th grade) will start back up September 27th, KIDS Club is postponed until further notice.
7. Nursery Service- Nursery (ages 0-3 years old) during Sunday service will be available starting back up September 27th.
8. Potluck lunches- Postponed until further notice.
9. Kitchen will be closed.
10. Restrooms
* The two restrooms in the front of the building will be open. Since restrooms are less safe from contagion spread than other areas, please use only if necessary.
* There will be no access to the back of the building (Children’s Worship and Nursery areas).
11. Offering
* Offering boxes will be available for tithes and offerings.
12. Cleaning and Sanitation
* The church building will be sanitized after each service and any other use.
13. Masks and hand sanitizer will be available as you enter the building.
As we are all aware, things can change quickly, and this plan may change based on direction given from church Council and Governor Holcomb.
The Council of Hope Church