Sunday Morning KIDS Church
Kids ages 4 yrs. through 5th grade are dismissed after the morning songs for their own special worship experience. Nursery Available 0-3 years old.
* Has your child been apart of KIDS Church or Nursery?
Stay connected in the private Facebook group.

Edge – Every Day God Encounter
Our youth come together learning more about having a personal relationship with Jesus. They also study topics, play games, chat, and build long-lasting friendships during this fun time together.
Meetings are the 1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month.
Starting September 15th
AGES: 6th-12th grade
TIME: During the 10:30am Service
(Dates subject to change check calendar of events)
[View full calendar and dates]
Have you been attending EDGE Youth Group? Stay connected in the private Facebook group.

~Mother’s For Hope~
Meet twice a month for devotions, fellowship, prayer, and group activities. Open to women who have or care for children from newborn to 12 yrs. Expecting Mother’s are welcome to join us. The first Tuesday is with mother and child, and the last Tuesday is for moms. (Childcare will be provided)