Men of A Chord Hymn Sing

What a delightful evening. Hymn lovers enjoyed an evening with the Christian men’s choir “Men of A-Chord”. They performed beautiful arrangements of well-loved hymns. Thank you to our Worship Ministry for hosting this musical event and Read more…

Lowell Labor Day Worship On The Stage 2023

🙌🎶 What an incredible Labor Day Weekend it was in Lowell! 🎉 We’re still buzzing with the joy of worshiping together on stage as Pastor Andy Wahlstrom delivered a powerful gospel message and our worship team’s heartfelt songs truly filled our hearts with joy and faith.. 📖! A huge shoutout to the Lowell Labor Day Festival – Labor Day Festival Committee for making this unforgettable event possible for our Read more…

Lowell Labor Day Festival 2023

Thank you to all our volunteers and giveaway sponsors for our Table in the Labor Day Festival on Saturday! What a wonderful turn out and it was great to see all the smiles at our table.😎
🎁Giveaway Sponsors:
Anytime Fitness, Lowell IN
BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse, Merrillville, IN
Debbie Ohm Miniatures, Lowell Indiana
Don Delfis House of Pancake, Lowell Indiana Read more…

Mothers For Hope Summer Picnic

What a beautiful day we had for our picnic! Thank you to everyone who joined us, an extra thank you to everyone who stayed and helped clean up. We are so excited that Mother’s Read more…

Heroes In The Bible VBS 2023

It’s a bird; It’s a plane, NO, it’s “Heroes in the Bible” June 20th-22nd. Children ages 4-12 years were amazed as they explored the real-life heroes in the bible and played some herotasstic games. We also were blessed to visit with Veterans from our congregation Don Ryken, Dick Kuiper, Jim Stoub, Alexa VanProyen, Tom Ohm, and two local Veterans, Hank, and Dawn, from the Lowell American Legion. Children designed Read more…

Boot Song Concert 2023

What an exciting concert we had! The Boot Song Group, Don and Jadene Boot shared their love of Jesus with smooth harmonies and heartwarming songs of Read more…

Pastor Andy Wahlstrom Retirement

Many Blessings to Pastor Andy and Nancy Wahlstrom on their retirement. We are honored to Read more…

Community Help Network

Outreach Ministry~ Thank you to all who came out and volunteered at the Community Help Network on May 20th. The Buddy Bag program provides meals to roughly 630 weekly when school is in session at every elementary school in Crown Point, Lake Central Corp, Tri-Creek School Corp, and Hanover Read more…

April 2023 Council Installation

Almighty God, may every grace of ministry rest on the newly installed elder and deacons, keep them strong and faithful, that your church may prosper in peace. Grant them wisdom, courage, discretion, and benevolence, that they Read more…

Easter Sunday 2023

We hope you join us today as we celebrate the most significant event in history- the resurrection of Jesus! Service starts at 10am; come early and enjoy some coffee and donuts hosted by
our Friendship Ministry.
If you’re new to Hope Community, you’ll Read more…

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