You Always Come To My Rescue

Lord, you are always coming to my rescue. I want to depend on you entirely. I’m to self-reliant. My heart is fully open as I cry out to you today. I invite you into all areas of my life. Your presence can eliminate


Crafting For A Cause

Ladies join us in helping bring encouragement and hope to those suffering with cancer.
July 26th from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Click the Sign Up Now button below to register. 


Join Us August 8th VBS Shipwrecked

🌴MOE Guides us on August 8th for Vacation Bible School Shipwrecked

Don’t forget to sign up! ▶ Starting July 11th kids ages 4yrs through 6th grade venture onto an uncharted island where kids survive and thrive. 🖐 5 Wednesday evenings of FREE VBS at Hope Church Lowell.

When you’re powerless…Jesus rescues!


1st Night Of Shipwrecked VBS

🤗🌴What a wonderful time we had at VBS last night! All the kids had so much fun learning about When you’re lonely… Jesus rescues and our friend Hope the Jaguar. 😎 From songs/dance, cinema, bible story time, snack make and eat, water balloon toss to God sightings and prayer… SO MUCH FUN and Friendships were made!
If you would still like to register your child there is still time to join in on the VBS fun.  

You Are The WAY

Father…You are “the Way”. Things get hard when I try to do them on my own without leaning and relying on your grace. Help me to see you have certain ways of doing things, and


Ready or Not?

~ We welcome back Andrew Wahlstrom to bring us our Sunday message.
Every year, when the weather turns nice, I think back to the days when I had a convertible. Years ago, I owned an MGB. It was a fun little car. I used to run around with the top down, drive it to the dunes or on a date. The car was in perfect shape. It was up on blocks every winter and never saw bad weather. There was only one flaw, the gas gauge didn’t work. But that wasn’t a problem, I had a system.


Join Us August 1st VBS Shipwrecked

🌴Guac Guides us on August 1st for Vacation Bible School Shipwrecked

Don’t forget to sign up! ▶ Starting July 11th kids ages 4yrs through 6th grade venture onto an uncharted island where kids survive and thrive. 🖐 5 Wednesday evenings of FREE VBS at Hope Church Lowell.

When you do wrong…Jesus rescues!
“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
Bible Story:
Jesus welcomes a criminal before dying and coming back to life. (Luke 23:26-24:12)

Let Freedom Ring

Happy Independence Day 🎆🤲
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom – 2 Corinthians 3:17 NIV
If you would like to know more about Jesus you’re invited to visit Hope Church Lowell this Sunday for our 10 AM service. 

LORD I Can Not But YOU Can

Continue reading  God’s word: Isaiah 41:10 – “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you