March Ministry Partners

What a blessing today was! We celebrated the gift of baptism and the public profession of faith, as hearts are renewed and lives are surrendered to Christ. Welcoming 13 new Ministry


2025 Council Installation

We are delighted to share in the joy of the recent Elder Paul Bennett and Deacon Angelo Rodriguez’s Installation to Council. Heartfelt gratitude to all who joined us for this


Christmas Eve Service 2024 at Hope Community

What a beautiful display of candles during our Christmas Eve service! The worship was truly uplifting, and Pastor Ryan’s message reminded us all of the joy that comes from knowing that Hope Is Here. It was such a blessing to worship alongside


The Day After

Church Family,
I write to you today in the middle of a new day. A different day. A day where the election results are in and freedom truly rings. While hopes are high for the future, and the seasons continue to change, we must remember the one thing that remains true: Jesus Christ is still King and His throne is unchanged.
With a new presidential administration comes different expectations and policies. But for the Christian, we must remain diligent in the work of the Lord.
Personally, my gratitude is towards the fact that we will continue to hold the freedom to worship Jesus in public. But this begs the question: what do we do with this freedom? Well, we use



What a spectacular EDGE event! Special Thank You to the Schurman family for hosting! I greatly appreciate all the Edge volunteers (and their


Labor Day Festival Worship On The Stage

What a blessing it was for the 3rd year in a row to be apart of the Lowell Labor Day Festival Sunday Worship on The Stage. Pastor Ryan led us in God’s word and our Worship Team lead us in worship and


August Picnic Mothers For Hope

Mother’s For Hope~
We didn’t let the rain stop us. What a wonderful morning at our indoor picnic! Thank you to everyone who joined us. 🥰❤️
Mark your calendars for Tuesday,


Manger Tales VBS 2024

This year was so much fun and we had such a wonderful turn out of KIDS who wanted to hear what the animals saw and heard the night Jesus was born! So many fun things to experience…. including a puppet show DInner was a big hit right before VBS and we loved seeing all our KIDS enjoying themselves and getting to know eachother creating long lasting friendships.
Thank you to our Hope Communty Family and friends for making this such a wonderful experience for all ages. We appreciate you all! We can’t wait for next year… bring on VBS 2025!  View all the images ⤵


What In The World Is Going On

Church Family,
It is nothing unusual for us to wake up in the morning or go to sleep at night, questioning what in the world is going on? We scroll through social media, watch the news, and/or read the newspaper and constantly bring ourselves back to this question again and again: What in the world is going on?
A former president survived an assassination attempt. The current president drops out of the race for a second term. And now nobody has seen the standing president in days. This has all taken place over the last ten days at the time that I write this article.
What in the world is going on?
Sure, the times get crazier by the hour. And we constantly question the decisions of those in authority and discern what is a lie and what is Truth.
In times like these, we must bring ourselves to the one and only Truth: God’s Word. There, we find crystal clear instructions on how to live, as in Paul’s words when he wrote, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so you may know how to answer each person (Colossians 4:2-6).”
So what do we do when we are in seasons of not knowing? As an Apostle and martyr for Jesus, Paul’s response to confusion and chaos is this: awareness, prayer, and an open door for the Gospel to be spread.
So, to answer the question, when we find ourselves wondering what in the world is going on, the instructions are simple. We must be aware of the worldly events, driven to our knees in prayer, and take advantage of every opportunity we have to spread the Good News of Jesus. This is something that no worldly circumstance or opposition can ever take away from us as followers of Jesus.
Jesus still reigns as King. He is still good. And all things will work together for our good and His glory.
Keep your eyes up; He will be back soon.
Until that day comes,
Pastor Ryan