Dec '18
Advent Countdown
Dec '18
The Christmas season is full of activity: decorating trees, office parties, the arrival of guests, baking cookies, wrapping gifts, singing carols, and last-minute shopping. Yet, in the midst of all the hustle, there lies a very simple story. Although simple, this story dramatically changed the world. It invites each of us to engage in the events that unfolded over 2000 years ago as we remember the amazing gift presented to humankind on that first Christmas morning.
So, let us take time from the typical busyness of Christmas to slow down and reflect upon the truth of the Christmas celebration. In this season may we be reminded not only of the arrival of Jesus as a baby and Savior of the world, but of the truth that He is coming again to rescue and redeem all who place their faith in Him. Each day create a time for just you and Jesus… pray as you read your Advent countdown.
Right click on the images below >> download to your phone, computer or print them and keep where you will see them. Enjoy!
Don’t forget to view this awesome video “What Is Advent”