Mar '23
Trials and Heartache
Mar '23
Father, Trials, and heartache come to everyone. We usually do not understand. Satan always seems so busy in the matter that it’s hard to trace your hand in it all. But your hand is in it and you overrule everything. No trial comes except by your permission and for some wise and loving purpose that may not be revealed until eternity. Our faith and trust are made known in our testing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Father, Trials, and heartache come to everyone. We usually do not understand. Satan always seems so busy in the matter that it’s hard to trace your hand in it all. But your hand is in it and you overrule everything. No trial comes except by your permission and for some wise and loving purpose that may not be revealed until eternity. Our faith and trust are made known in our testing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
* All prayers are given by our Prayer Team